Multiverse Online - Setting up your Multiverse Account

Why do you need a Multiverse Account

To get the most out of Multiverse. Multiverse Online Accounts are free and easy to set up. Your Multiverse Account will allow you to benefit from a whole host of features that are otherwise not available to a general app user. Within your account you will be able to:

  • With a Multiverse Account, you'll be able to create your very own private, public and personal Metaverses and then customise and manage them.

  • With a Multiverse Account you'll be able to connect your devices to your account, allowing you to - for example - connect your VR headset and access content created in VR on your desktop, laptop or smartphone.

  • To join a private metaverse you will need to be a Multiverse Account holder.

  • Your Multiverse Account allows you to access all the wonderful photos you've taken inside Multiverse. Simply log in and select the "Photos" menu item. A list of every photo you've ever taken will appear for you to browse through.

  • Once you've got a Multiverse Account you'll be able to connect to your online drives (like Google Drive) so that you can access your cloud files and bring them into Multiverse.

Creating & logging in to your Multiverse Account

You can create and access your Multiverse Account at If you haven’t used your account before and are logging in for the first time, make sure that you connect your Oculus headset first. If you’ve signed up in the past and know your login details, go to “Log In” in the top right corner.

NOTE: You can choose to log in with either Facebook, Google, or your email address. Each login authentication creates a separate account, but your headset can be linked to only ONE Multiverse account. You will know that your account is linked if you see “Oculus account linked” on your profile page after logging in. This linked account will also have your properties if you purchased any.

Connecting your Oculus Account & Device

Option 1

The simplest solution is to connect your Multiverse Account with your Oculus headset by using the "Connect your Account for more Features" button at the bottom of your wrist menu (make sure to check both your left and right wristwatch) inside the Multiverse App. Once you click the button, an automatic email with login instructions will be sent to your email address associated with your Oculus account.

If you don’t see the "Connect your Account for more Features" button in your wrist menu, you might have already linked your headset with the Multiverse Account.

Option 2

If you've successfully launched the Multiverse app from the Multiverse Account website, you would have linked your Oculus device. You can confirm if you have done so on your Profile page at site as it will say “Oculus account linked” just below your name.

NOTE: This is an important step that links your Oculus device to your Multiverse Account. If you are not connected, it's not possible for the changes and settings you've made in your Multiverse Account to propagate through to your experience inside the Multiverse app. For example editing your profile image, user name, accessing metaverses, or linking your cloud drive.

Luckily this step is very easy. In fact, it's so easy, and seamless, that it may already have happened without you knowing. But let's go over the steps:

Step 1. Launch in VR

Once signed into your Multiverse Account, you will find various options for connecting your Oculus device:

  • At the top of the page, you will see an Oculus icon in a circle. Click this to connect your device.

  • On your profile page, you will see a "Click Here to link your Oculus account."

  • On some pages, there is an option to "Launch in VR".

Clicking any of these will open an Oculus webpage for launching the Multiverse app.

Step 2: "Open" Multiverse on your device

Once you've landed on the Oculus page for the Multiverse app, make sure you are signed into Oculus (see your profile icon top right).

Once you've signed in you will have the option to "Open" Multiverse on your Oculus device.

Clicking Open will trigger the launch of Multiverse on your device and once you've arrived in your home room, your accounts will be linked.

Put your headset on and enjoy!

Congratulations! Your Oculus Account & Device are now connected.


  • This may seem confusing, but if you initially signed in with one account (e.g., Google), you must continue to sign in with that same account - even if the email addresses on both your Google and Facebook accounts are the same. Two separate accounts cannot be linked or merged due to privacy issues.

  • Make sure you are connected! If you don't use the email link to connect your device - MAKE SURE - you use the flow above. You might assume that logging in with Facebook means we can connect to your headset - we can't. Make sure you connect explicitly.

  • You might have been logged out automatically. You just need to click the sign-in again.

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: You are creating a PERMANENT link between your Multiverse account and your headset!

    Launching Multiverse on your Oculus Headset creates a Multiverse Account.

    Signing in on also creates a Multiverse account. But while you can create multiple Multiverse Accounts on the website via signing in with different options, you can only link ONE account to your Oculus Headset Multiverse Account. You will know your account is linked if you see “Oculus account linked” on your profile page. If it shows “Launch In VR to link your Oculus account,“ it means this account is not linked, and you might have another account that has been linked already.

Join a Metaverse

Some of the best experiences in Multiverse exist in personal or private metaverses. These are metaverses inside Multiverse owned and managed by individuals, organisation, and corporations.

If you're lucky enough to have received an invite to a private metaverse, here is where you'll find out everything about how to join it.

Step 1: Click the Join Link

You'll have received either a public or personal join or invite link to a metaverse. This may have come by email or be present in a calendar event. Either way, simply click the link to get started.

NOTE: It is best to have your headset charged and ready.

Step 2: Log into (or create) your Multiverse Account

To become a member of a metaverse you'll need to log into your Multiverse Account.

Step 3: Congratulations you have joined a new metaverse!

Congratulations! Once you have logged into (or created) your Multiverse Account, you are now a member of the metaverse.

The following steps will link your Multiverse Account to your device and take you directly into your new metaverse. This is an essential step.

NOTE: If you have already linked your Multiverse Account to your device, you will be able to go directly into Multiverse and access your new metaverse via your wrist menu. If not, please continue to link your account to your device.

Step 4: "Launch in VR"

Now that you are a member of the new metaverse, you can launch it directly in VR from your Multiverse Account. Simply click


A pop-up will confirm your next steps, and you'll be taken to the Oculus Page for launching Multiverse on your VR device.

NOTE: You may need to sign in to your Oculus account if you are not already signed in.

Step 5: "Open" & don your headset

Before you click "Open" on this page, make sure you have your headset ready and charged, and you have logged into the Oculus page (if you are logged in, your profile photo top right will appear).

Once you have confirmed these 2 points, click "Open" on the button next to your device, and then don your headset. Multiverse will launch and take you directly to your new metaverse.

NOTE: The Oculus website is run by Facebook, and some companies do not permit access to Facebook-owned websites. If this is the case you may need to tether to your phone, complete this step at home, or contact your IT department asking them to enable this site.