Futuristic cityscape with person wearing VR headset, neon lights, and text "INFINIVERSE" in the center. Top right corner shows "PRE-BETA."


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  • Multiverse is a browser of Metaverses. Infiniverse is the future of interconnected Metaverses.

    When a user creates a Metaverse inside Multiverse, then one of the key questions is "how do people find my Metaverse"? The answer is INFINIVERSE.

    While there will be many different options for finding Metaverses inside Multiverse, including but not limited to text & voice search, featuring of Metaverses, and more. The most obvious way to find a Metaverse in a 3D world is spatially.... hence the rise of the INFINIVERSE.

    Think in terms of the Internet. For "The Internet" to work, you need;

    1. A browser,

    2. Servers to host websites, and,

    3. Creators to create content for websites.

    For the Metaverse to work, you need:

    1. A Metaverse browser (Multiverse),

    2. Servers and server tech (ShapeVR), and

    3. You to create the Metaverses for everyone else to browse.

    Your Metaverse is the equivalent of your website on the internet.

    NOTE: The Infiniverse is in Pre-BETA at the moment, so be prepared for some bugs and issues as we iron it all out. The Infiniverse will also update on a regular basis and will become more beautiful, alive and interesting with time.

  • The INFINIVERSE is published by Future Tech Labs Ltd, and developed by Future Tech Studios Ltd, both UK companies. Future Tech Labs Ltd - or FTL for short - is an independent UK company created by experienced game developers from the console games industry.

    Neither FTL nor FTS are Oculus / Facebook / META companies. The only connection is that FTL publishes the Multiverse app on Meta's App Stores.

    FTL is also not a VC or similar funded company (yet?). The developers themselves have funded FTL and created Multiverse as a passion project over the last 5 years. Creating Multiverse, and all the content within it, is (and has been) our full time job.

    FTL's subsidiaries and partners:

    • Future Tech Studios: the creative brains of the organisation - FTS comprises our development team.

    • Future Tech Distribution: FTD is our commercial arm - the team that coordinates with Enterprises.

    • Future Tech Games: When you want to nerf Zombies, then you can thank FTG. FTG funds the development of our games.

    • VEDX: US based, VEDX are the team to approach for securing Storefronts & Skyscrapers, and they work with our educational partners.

    • GAS Commercial: For EU / UK based conversations around Enterprise solutions feel free to talk to the friendly team at GAS Commercial.

  • 'Beta' and 'Alpha' are standard terms used in the games industry to describe the stage of development of a project.

    Alpha versions of a game are incomplete (graphics and sounds still to be implemented or finalised, features incomplete or missing altogether, etc. ) A lot of change is still expected in games that are in Alpha, and the final version may even be unrecognisable when compared to the Alpha release.

    When a game is in Beta, it means that it's still in a pre-release, not-quite-complete stage. You might expect more bugs and problems than usual, and perhaps some broken features, but the game will generally be playable and recognisable when you look back on it after playing the final product.

    This contrasts with the "gold" or "release" version, which is the first "final" version of the game, and is generally the games you buy in retail and digital app stores.

    Because the term 'alpha' is not well-known outside the games industry, we decided instead to use the term 'Pre-Beta' to define where we are at with products like the Infiniverse & Zombie Town.

  • Future Tech Labs Ltd, the Multiverse app, the Infiniverse project inside Multiverse, and the Metacoins purchased in-app are NOT blockchain related in any way or form.

    Our goal is to create the Metaverse. The Metaverse is basically a social 3D internet. And the internet is not a blockchain project or blockchain related. The internet does, however, support blockchain, cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Likewise the Metaverse will support these features & technologies. Just like how the internet supports credit cards, and bank transactions.

    So while we are not a blockchain project, we will support blockchain technologies.

    This means you can expect us to do things like:

    • Integrate wallets into the app

    • Allow owners of NFTs to bring them into the app

    • Allow for the minting of properties into NFTs

    • Allow for trade of content owned in Multiverse outside of Multiverse

    The only caveat is that Multiverse sits on App Stores like the Oculus App Store, where the owners of those App Stores have rules and guidelines that we are required to follow. As such, while our goal is to support blockchain technologies, we are limited by what the platform holders permit.

  • Metacoins are the in-game currency used to buy content inside Multiverse. You purchase Metacoins as in-app upgrades via e.g. the Oculus App Store.

    Metacoins are NOT a blockchain based cryptocurrency.

    You can NOT convert Metacoins back into a fiat currency.

    There are many reasons that the above are not possible. One of which is that companies like Meta do not permit it. But this aside there are other reasons (both tech and monetary) that this is not feasible nor even desirable. Making real world money in the Metaverse is something we want to support, but Metacoins is not the solution.

  • Metacoins can not be converted back into a regular fiat currency (for details on why not, please review for example the Oculus Developer Guidelines). However, a priority on our roadmap is exploring tech that would allow properties to be "minted" into NFTs that could then be sold outside of the app for "real cash" and/or cryptocurrencies.

    This novel approach would allow you to convert content purchased with Metacoins into assets that had real world value.

    We must note, however, that this approach can not be guaranteed as we will need to approve it with platform holders before launching on their store. App Stores (like the Oculus App Store) have rules and guidelines that we need to follow. As such, while our goal is to support blockchain technologies, we are limited by what the platform holders permit.

  • We are still in Pre-BETA, and have yet to come out of BETA, so nothing is certain. However, due to the huge success of the Infiniverse, we are working very hard to ensure that as much as possible stays the same as we progress through BETA to final.

    There are however some technical issues that might arise where there simply is no reasonable path other than to change something - if that's the case we will make sure that changes result in users getting something at least as good as they had before.

    However, in general, our goals are to improve the Infiniverse over time. Adding new features and technologies. This includes updating the visuals and increasing the functionality of the world.

  • Apartments in Infiniverse are your homes inside the Metaverse. We are in the early stages (Pre-BETA) of creating this, so please bear with us.

    To buy an apartment in Infiniverse, you simply use the 'teleport" function to "teleport" into a door of an apartment building. This opens up a pop-up that tells you the price and availability of apartments in that building. If you have enough Metacoins (you get 500 free to start), then you can purchase that apartment. If you don't have enough Metacoins you get the option to purchase in-game Metacoins.

    Apartments will change over time, so be prepared for updates, upgrades and new visuals.

  • The prices of apartments in INFINIVERSE are based on an algorithm that increases and decreases the price based on the POPULARITY of an area.

    The more people buy an apartment in an area of INFINIVERSE, the more that area goes up in value. This is based on the popularity of the AREA, not just the building. So if someone buys or sells in a house next door, or across the street, that can affect the value of your property.

  • Today you can:

    • Customise the doors, images & videos in your apartment by connecting to multiverseonline.io and editing your apartment.

    We are still developing the way apartments will work in Infiniverse, so nothing is set in stone yet. However, in future we expect you will be able to do things like:

    • Change the apartment out for another apartment style.

    • Customise the apartment interior.

    • Have different styles of apartment based on how many building sides an apartment has.

  • Penthouses are the top floors of apartment buildings. Penthouses have a higher price than other apartments in the building. ATM there are no specific advantages to a penthouse, other than:

    • Penthouses will be the most valuable apartment in an apartment building, so as the building goes up in value, the value of a penthouse will go up more than other apartments.

    • Penthouses are always at the top - so the view is great! ;)

    • Penthouses have a special interior visual style and physical layout.

    In future we will be exploring:

    • Allowing you to change the customisation of your penthouse by upgrading to a different visual style

  • The INFINIVERSE has yet to come out of BETA... so things are in flux.

    While we will do our utmost to make sure that purchased properties in the INFINIVERSE don't get knocked down, we can't make any promises. We will however ensure that if they do get knocked down that you get something of equivalent value or better (or get your coins back). Or that if we change the look / feel / style that your property will increase in visual quality.

  • All apartment buildings start with a basic height, and once all apartments in the building have been purchased, then yes.... Most buildings grow taller as more people buy into that building!

    However, this isn’t the case for all buildings. There are currently three types of buildings in Infiniverse:

    • STANDARD Buildings: As the apartment building fills up (ie people buy all the available floors), these buildings are capable of allowing more people to purchase into them. This allows newcomers to buy the bottom apartment, moving everyone else's apartment UP, and making the apartment building GROW taller.

    • LIMITED Buildings: LIMITED buildings can grow beyond their starting height, just like STANDARD buildings, but they have a fixed height limit. Once this height has been achieved, no more apartments can be purchased in that building.

    • EXCLUSIVE Buildings: EXCLUSIVE buildings can not grow beyond their initial height. So for example if an exclusive buildings has two floors - a penthouse and an apartment - then once those are filled up, no more apartments can be purchased.

    Please also note that some buildings will require a paid upgrade in order to grow higher.

  • The apartments, penthouses and stores in INFINIVERSE are cool and all... but their real purpose is to act as conduits for access to Metaverses. So how do you make your own Metaverse?!

    Well, you can find out everything you want to know about creating Metaverses in our Metaverse Guide.

    However, some key points to note are:

    • Connect your device to a MultiverseOnline.io account (really important) - see this guide

    • Choose whether you want to use your Personal Metaverse or link to a new Metaverse

    • Optionally create a new Metaverse for your business / club / community / etc.

    • You may want to set your Personal or new Metaverse to PUBLIC (so everyone can visit)

    • Choose if you want to upgrade your Personal or new Metaverse for more features


    • Creating new locations

    • Customising locations with images, logos and videos; and

    • Linking your locations together in new and interesting ways (yes you can link between Metaverses)

    That's it! You now have your very own Metaverse directly connected to the INFINIVERSE!

  • PRIMARY Metaverses (we call these Personal Metaverses) are different to SECONDARY Metaverses in a few key ways. Lets run through their similarities and differences here:

    BOTH Personal & Secondary Metaverses:

    • You can open any Metaverse you create up to the general public by changing the ACCESS attribute from INVITE ONLY to PUBLIC on the MANAGE page of your multiverseonline.io Metaverse account. Public Metaverses allow anyone to enter your Metaverse for FREE.

    • To share access to your “INVITE ONLY” Metaverse, you can add new MEMBERs. Adding new members no longer requires paid subscription.  

    • MEMBERS can visit your INVITE ONLY Metaverses, and depending on the role you assign them can even manage, change, update and customise your Metaverse alongside you.

    PERSONAL Metaverses:

    • Your Personal Metaverse is open to your friends by default and they can access it for FREE.

    • You CAN NOT stop friends from accessing your Personal Metaverse.

    • Your HOME ROOM and any purchased PROPERTIES are always automatically assigned to your PERSONAL Metaverse. Unlike storefronts, which can be registered to other metaverses as well. Your properties such as apartments and penthouses cannot be transferred out of your Personal Metaverse.

    • Your Personal Metaverse cannot be deleted.

    SECONDARY Metaverses:

    • Normally Secondary Metaverses are used for Business Purposes because you can explicitly control access to these Metaverses. If a Secondary Metaverse is set to INVITE ONLY, then only those people that have explicitly been granted membership will be able to enter this Metaverse.

  • Storefronts work similarly to how Domain Names work on the good ol' regular internet. Both in payment structure and in function.

    In function - they are the destination within Multiverse that people can find your Metaverse at. Where on the internet you type in and address, in Multiverse you visit a street location.

    With regards to payment, you pay a fee to be able to register a storefront to your Metaverse. After this, to keep that registration active, you will need to maintain your Metaverse in good standing. Both in terms of continued payments, but also from a point of view of adhering to both FTL's and Meta's T&Cs and community guidelines. (More on this in the fine-print)

    In simple terms: a Storefront can be tied to a paid Metaverse subscription that is in good standing.

    Here's a breakdown:

    Storefronts are available to Premium and above Metaverse Plan members.

    When you register a Storefront to your Metaverse you pay a one-off registration fee. This fee is determined by an algorithm that takes into account various factors including the location and popularity of that location.

    After the one-off registration fee, the only ongoing charge for keeping your Storefront registration active is to keep your associated Metaverse subscription annual or monthly plan active. In other words, as long as you keep the metaverse subscription active, you will keep the Storefront without extra costs.

    If you let the metaverse subscription expire, you will get a grace period to re-enable the metaverse or tie the storefront to another metaverse before it falls back into the public pool for registration by someone else.

    Registering a Storefront is either done:

    • In-app with metacoins, or

    • Via our sales team with an invoice.

    Each metaverse subscription plan has an associated max limit on the number of Storefronts it can have:

    • Premium: max of 5 stores,

    • Professional: max of 15 stores,

    • Business: max of 50 stores,

    • Enterprise: an unlimited no. of stores.

    To register a Storefront to your paid metaverse visit our Storefront Registration Guide.

    A bit of fine print:

    Stores can only be tied to a paid metaverse subscription (tying a store to a trial subscription will provide a month’s grace period).

    The content of a store will be approved by moderators before publishing live.

    To be eligible for a Storefront registration, you must agree to adhere to both the FTL & Meta terms of service & community standards:

    If your Metaverse breaches either the FTL or Meta terms of service or community standards, your Metaverse may be put on hold - or in the case of a severe breach - your metaverse may be deleted entirely, in which case any associated subscription plans will be cancelled and any registered Storefronts will be de-registered.

    The Metaverse your Storefront is registered to must remain on an active paid Metaverse subscription plan (i.e., not a free or trail metaverse plan) to ensure your Storefront registration does not expire and / or get de-registered from both your metaverse and your account.

    Depending on the severity, breaking the above-mentioned T&Cs can result in the store(s) being removed from your account, and your account being banned from Multiverse.

    Once a Storefront is registered to a metaverse location, it can not be registered to another metaverse without a fee being paid.

    Storefronts can NOT be traded with other players or for metacoins.

Property Development
(Land Purchase)

  • Infiniverse Land Plots were introduced to grant users greater control over the Metaverse. The Infiniverse comprises postcode plots, which are available for purchase and development if they are not yet occupied.

    As a plot owner, you have the freedom to build whatever you desire on your plot using the available tools. Additionally, property developers can earn Metacoin from the transactions that occur on their land. The more users you attract to your plot, the more Metacoin you’ll earn, allowing you to further develop your space, attract even more visitors, and continue growing your metacoin income. The only limit is your creativity and dedication to promoting your plots!

  • To get started visit our handy Plot Editing Guide.

  • Plots with existing developments cannot be modified as they are protected. Only plots without buildings or statues can be stamped. You will recognize these as empty plots with "grass" only. Before purchasing a plot, you can check whether the plot is protected or not.

  • The post code plots are the ‘cells’ shown on most of the available maps, each of which has a post code (eg N0-E1). On average they’re about 0.1km sq.

  • No, currently land plots cannot be traded.

  • Some buildings in Infiniverse are of the “unlimited” type, meaning they have infinite growth potential. However, buildings that you stamp on your plot may require upgrades once their current growth capacity is met. The landowner is responsible for upgrading the levels to increase the cap. When that cap is reached, the landowner will need to purchase an upgrade to unlock the next level and add additional floors. This process continues until the next building cap is reached, requiring another upgrade. Note that the cost of these upgrades will increase progressively as the number of levels increases.


  • The main value of a storefront is the increased discoverability and visibility of your brand and business in the Infiniverse. You can promote your products and services to the extensive Infiniverse community. To date, we have seen over 1.5 million transactions, 700,000 properties sold, and 2000 storefronts registered in the Infiniverse.

  • Storefronts work similarly to how Domain Names work on the internet. Both in payment structure and in function.

    In function - they are the destination within the Multiverse where people can find your Metaverse at. Where on the internet you type in an address, in Multiverse you visit a street location.

    In the payment structure - you pay a one-off fee to be able to register a storefront to your Metaverse. After this, to keep that registration active, you will need to maintain your Metaverse in good standing. Both in terms of continued subscription payments and from a point of view of adhering to both FTL's and Meta's T&Cs and community guidelines:

    In simple terms: a Storefront can be tied to a paid Metaverse subscription that is in good standing.

  • When you register a Storefront to your Metaverse you pay a one-off registration fee. Storefront registration fees are priced dynamically based on several factors including the population density of the storefront location. You can check each available storefront registration fee in the app.

    After the one-off registration fee, the only ongoing charge for keeping your storefront registration active is to keep your associated Metaverse subscription plan active.

  • Storefronts are available to Premium and above Metaverse Plan members. Each metaverse subscription plan has an associated maximum limit on the number of storefronts it can have:

    • Premium: 5 stores,

    • Professional: 15 stores,

    • Business: 50 stores,

    • Enterprise: an unlimited number of stores.

    Free or Trial Metaverse Plan members are not eligible for storefronts. Tying a storefront to a trial subscription will provide a month’s grace period.

  • To get started visit our handy Storefront Guide.

  • You can customise the doors, images & videos on the exterior and interior of your storefront by connecting to multiverseonline.io and editing your storefront template page. You can also choose a storefront template that you want to apply to your storefront.

    Your storefront exterior includes:

    • A Banner image across the top of your storefront,

    • Up to 4 Poster images for the exterior "windows" of your storefront,

    • A Storefront door image.

    The above content must be submitted for approval by clicking the "SUBMIT" button on the top of your website before it can be seen in the Infiniverse.

    For details on how to customise your storefront and other locations, please visit our Storefront Guide.

    Note: We do not support videos on the exterior of storefronts.

  • After the one-off storefront registration fee, you will also need to maintain your associated Metaverse subscription (annual or monthly) plan active. If you let the metaverse subscription expire, you will get a grace period to re-enable the metaverse or tie the storefront to another metaverse before it falls back into the public pool for registration by someone else.

    Additionally, you must agree to adhere to both the FTL & Meta terms of service & community standards:

    If your Metaverse or storefront breaches either the FTL or Meta terms of service or community standards, your Metaverse may be put on hold - or in the case of a severe breach - your metaverse may be deleted entirely, in which case any associated subscription plans will be cancelled and any registered storefronts will be de-registered.

  • Meta Quest has a concept of “Destinations” which allow you to share your specific Metaverse location, such as a storefront, with anyone outside the app in the form of a Deep Link. By clicking this link and then “Launching in VR,” a Quest user will be teleported directly to your storefront (or other location).

    To learn more about Deep Links visit our Guide.

  • Once a storefront is registered to a metaverse location, it can NOT be registered to another metaverse without a fee being paid. If you want to move your storefronts between metaverses in the same Multiverse account, contact us at sales@ftl.ltd.

  • Storefronts can NOT be traded with other players or for metacoins.

  • No. After the one-off storefront registration fee, you will also need to maintain your associated Metaverse subscription (annual or monthly) plan active. If you let the metaverse subscription expire or you downgrade your subscription to a free plan, you will get a one-month grace period to re-enable the metaverse or tie the storefront to another metaverse before it falls back into the public pool for registration by someone else.

Subscription Plans

  • Each of our subscription plans offers distinct features, varying storage limits, and a specific number of storefronts you can register, all of which also affect how you earn rewards. For complete details, visit our Metaverse Plan Overview page.