Multiverse Public Spaces Guide

Host Special Events in our Official Multiverse Spaces!

Some of the most popular events we organize are held in our Public Spaces, including ZombieTown, The Planetarium, The Galleries, Stonehenge Theater, and the Outdoor Cinema. We encourage you to utilize these spaces to attract even larger audiences to your events!

How to Set Up Events in Multiverse Public Spaces

1. Select the Space

Take the Multiverse URL of your choice and use it for a door within a template in your metaverse - whether it's your homeroom, apartment, storefront, or any other template. You can name this template something easily recognizable, like "Doorway to ZombieTown."

2. Link the Door

To ensure that the door link works correctly, select the METAVERSE URL option from the door drop-down menu and paste the URL exactly as provided below. Remove spaces if any before and after the URL.

3. Use the Door Image

Use the official square door image to represent the door that will teleport you and others to the Multiverse venue. You can download the high-resolution door images below.

4. Create an Event

In the same metaverse where you have the connected template, go to the left-side menu and choose EVENTS. Click on NEW EVENT, give it a suitable name, and under LOCATION, from the dropdown menu select the template where you have added the URL.

5. Customise your Event

If your space is not already decorated or if you prefer not to alter your permanent creations, you can simply change the graphics and links on the event page for temporary modifications that will be reverted once the party is over. Make sure to include all images and enticing description for your event.

6. Note

The Multiverse Public Spaces are not available for editing - should you want to run video in Stonehenge or Cinema, please reach out to us. If you need help or have further questions, contact us at

Multiverse Public Spaces URLs and Door Images

Click on the images below to download the corresponding asset in high resolution for use on your door.

Grand Central


Zombie Town


The Planetarium


The Galleries


Stonehenge Theater 



Outdoor Cinema




Chamber of Commerce