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Grande Finale: HELLO PLAZA Grand Opening

Main Street is dying! Small business is struggling! & here is how we are changing that! Introducing the HELLO Plaza - a virtual shopping experience. We are a one-in-a-kind creation of a small business market combined with a community center vibe that brings together others that want to lead by example, support others, grow & thrive together while helping everyone live life optimally. Thus, creating a shopping experience that is full of value, knowledge and trust. We believe in the power of community! We will also be giving away: (1) month free in the pop-up store (advertising *& marketing* included) / (2) apartments in the new HELLO Plaza area decorated with a HELLO design kit! You don't want to miss this Saturday... Come join us and check out the new HELLO Plaza!

August 27

SPECIAL EVENT! Artemis PreLaunch Mission Overview

August 27

SPECIAL EVENT! Artemis PreLaunch Press Conference